Why Abeer Umrah ..?

To become the top of mind, global travel agency for Umrah Packages and tours; delivering memorable, inspiring, spiritual and intercultural customer experiences. Umrah is an Islamic pilgrimage that can be conducted at any time of year, as opposed to Hajj, which has specified dates. We can assist you in locating and booking flights to your selected location. We can look for the best available tickets, itineraries, and airlines based on your trip needs and budget. Based on your tastes and budget, Abeer Travels can assist you in arranging hotel rooms, resorts, vacation rentals, or other types of accommodations. International travel agency in Kannur providing best travel agency services.



Our Vision

We are committed to delivering a unique, innovative, high quality, and well-designed tours at competitive prices providing unparalleled experiences throughout the holy journey of Umrah. Through our work, we serve Allah before we serve pilgrims.


Our Mission

We operate in an industry that plays an important role in enriching the economy of Saudi Arabia. Through Hajj, Umrah, Travel and Tourism we can also enrich people’s culture, mentality and lives.


Our Values

The well-being and support of our guests, customers and staff is always a main concern. We are fully committed to fulfilling the needs of our stakeholders, community and environment. Trustworthy Be reliable, transparent and ethical. Comply with local laws, regulations, and international travel agency in Kannur providing better services.