Advise Before You Leave for Umrah
Haramm Shareef ( THE HOLY KAABAA) is the most sacred place for any Muslim. Umrah is one of the best beautiful trips of a Muslim’s life and virtually millions of Muslim’s visit holy Kaaba each year.
There is not a moment since the establishment of Kaabaa at the hands of Hazrat Ibrahim (May ALLAH bless him) that TAWAAF around KAABAA is not occupied by devoted Muslims for the purpose of Umrah and Tawaaf e Sunnah.
Like many millions of Muslims who perform Umrah each year, If you have been blessed with the virtue of Umrah by ALLAH, then you need to know a few important things to prepare for Umrah.
In this article we would give you some great tips on preparations which you need to make for Umrah after you have booked yourself in a Umrah package. This would be in the form of some handy advice that would facilitate you in performing your Umrah with ease:
1. Prepare a checklist of what all you need to carry along for Umrah.
Please keep in mind that Umrah is not a recreational activity and you would be departing to a foreign land where very few would be knowing your local language (most locals in Saudi Arabia know little or no English at all).
Articles of daily use would be expensive than your own country (if you are travelling from South East Asia). So it would appropriate if you carry articles of daily use from your country of origin (except food items, since your airline would not allow that in most cases).
You must make a list of articles like clothes, Ihraam, toiletries, sandals etcetra and buy them well before time. You can consult elders for the list of items which you must carry along.
Prepare a checklist of what all you need to carry along for Umrah
2. Select your Umrah Bag Carefully.
The bags or suitcases which you carry for the Umrah must be selected carefully. They must be of good quality and must have lock-able pockets and zippers.
Never buy a bag or suitcase which cannot be locked (even the side pockets) for the safety of your luggage and to avoid a possibility of someone placing a contraband item in your luggage without your knowledge.
They must be as lightweight as possible yet strong enough to cater for rough handling on the flights. A broken handle or a strap can make it very difficult for you to handle and carry your bag or suitcase, so buy the best your money can buy. Trolly bags are a good choice so that you don’t have to carry them in your hands.
3. Weigh your Luggage.
After you have purchased everything from your Umrah list. Pack your bags or suitcases and weigh them carefully. All airlines have baggage limit rules and you may be charged pretty heavily for any extra weight.
As a rule, travel as light from your country of destination. This would help you in leaving more space for dates and ZAMZAM water on your way back. Additionally, it would make it easy to handle your luggage everywhere in the way.
4. Complete your paper formalities well in time.
Please remember that Saudi officials are very supportive for Umrah travelers in terms of facilitation, but they would never compromise on the completeness of your paper formalities. Get all the necessary vaccinations and health related certifications properly.
You may not be allowed to enter Saudi Arabia if your documentation is not found in order. You may as well be deported upon landing in Saudi Arabia. Your travel agency or respective country religious ministry would guide about all the necessary documents that you would be needing for Umrah.
5. Never accept any luggage from anyone for carrying to Saudi Arabia for Umrah.
Never accept any luggage from anyone for carrying to Saudi Arabia for Umrah
Please note that Saudia laws deliver a death sentence of carriers of narcotics. Every year, hundreds of such drug smugglers are beheaded in Saudia.
Never fall victim to any such ploy of someone asking you to carry a package for Umrah and deliver to some of his or her relative in Saudia. The package may be carrying something illegal which can land you in serious trouble.
6. Attend Umrah training or read related literature carefully.
Umrah is a Ibadah which has many FARAIZ. It means that missing a Fard would make you liable to BADL (compulsory compensation). Please learn the complete sequence of Umrah in detail with the Duas which you need to make in each part of the Umrah ibadah.
7. Learn to wear Ihram and Fard of Ihram.
Ihram has many restrictions,which are Fard on you when you are in the state of Ihram. Any neglect is considered a serious breach and subject to varying amounts of “Badal” depending upon the severity of the breach.
It is extremely important to know the restrictions which Ihram imposes on you so that you can abide by them strictly. The wearing of Ihram (for men) is somewhat complicated and would need some practice to carry it well. You can learn the Ihram wearing techniques from elders who has done Umrah before or ( read this article : Step By Step Guide To Getting Into State Of Ihram For Umrah )
8. Get a good carrying case for your documents.
It is extremely important to keep your travel documents and ID safely with you all the time. Select a safe and robust carrying case for that.
9. Read some literature about Makka and Madina.
Although, your most of the Umrah package would be arranged by your travel agency, but still it is good to read as much as you can about the important places in Makkah and Madina so that you can have some knowledge about them when you reach there. ( Visit www.umrah.co.in for information )
It would give you some amount of flexibility to move around at your own where your travel agency doesn’t take you.
10. Keep Decent amount of cash with you ( Foreign exchange ).
You may need to buy some amount of dates or other souvenirs to take back home. This would need some amount of money.
Additionally, your Umrah package may not be including some meals which may need to buy from the local market. Keep the cash along (in Riyals, US $ or Euro’s) with you. You may find your local currency not acceptable for money changers in Saudia or giving you much lower rates than your home country.
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